Time Parameters
The attributes under Time Parameters of Data Source API are -
- Today Format
- Yesterday Format
- Rolling Time Format
- Rolling Frequency
- Time Offset Value
This parameters are needed when user does not have any means of retrieving data from a API with a given time window. Below are the cases where API architecture have shortfall in retrieving data
User needs to retrieve data between two time window. Example : From current timestamp to last 1 hour or last 15 minutes etc.
User needs to retrieve data from yesterday transaction only and the API does not provide any means to filter the yesterday's transactions dynamically
User needs to retrieve the data from today transaction only and the API does not provide any means to filter the today's transactions dynamically
User needs to retrieve the data by adjusting the Time Zone with the dataset time based attributes like create_date, update_date, invoice_date, due_date etc.
There are four reserved keywords which can be used in any API request to filter the time based data. These keywords can be used in API params, headers, JSON body, pre-requiest script etc. of any API request call
These four keywords are : today
, yesterday
, min_time
, max_time
Today Format - A date format that returns the today's date. %Y-%m-%dT00:00:01Z
. Use the keyword today
to use with any date field in dataset. For example: invoice_date = {%today%}
then it will filter all transaction or records by today's date
Yesterday Format - A date format that returns previous days's date. %Y-%m-%dT00:00:01Z
. Use the keyword yesterday
to use with any date field in dataset. For example: invoice_date = {%yesterday%}
then it will filter all transaction or records by yesterday's date
Rolling Time Format - A date format that matches with the date format of the date attribute which user needs to filter data based on time window. For example, user needs to filter and get the API response with all the invoices with invoice_date
of past 15 minutes. So for such case the user will input the date format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000
which is equivalent to date format of invoice_date
Use keywords min_time
and max_time
to define the time window of any API request. For example filter the invoice based on invoice_date as
GET https://example.com/api/orders?start_date={%min_time%}&end_date={%max_time%}
Rolling Frequency - The time window in seconds between the current timestamp and frequency input by user. Example : If 900
seconds is given then it will look for Rolling 15 minutes data based on invoice_date
Time Offset Value -
A Time Offset Value
typically refers to a numerical representation of the time difference between two points in time, often expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. in API data source of eZintegrations , its in seconds
This value is used to adjust or compare time between different time zones, measure time intervals, or calculate the time elapsed between two events.
Time offset values are essential for tasks such as time zone conversions, scheduling, and calculating the duration between two events, especially when those events occur in different time zones or involve time intervals. Time offset values are usually added to or subtracted from a reference time to obtain the adjusted time. For example, if you have a time in New York (EST) and want to convert it to Tokyo time (JST), you would apply a time offset of +9 hours (for the time difference between EST and JST).
Example 1 : Use of today
and yesterday
in Endpoint JSON Body of a API request
"query":"SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = '{%today%}' OR column_name = '{%yesterday%}'"
Example 2 : Use of min_time
and max_time
in Endpoint JSON body of a API request
"query":"SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN '{%min_time%}' AND '{%max_time%}'"