Test the Data Target
Follow the mentioned steps to test the data target:
Step 1: Select the Target Type
as API
Step 2: Enter the Target Name
- Search the target name from the list of APIs available in the catalog.
- Navigate through the marketplace to select the required API from the Marketplace option.
- Directly add APIs added to the cart in the marketplace.
- Create a new target in case the desired API is not present in the above options.
Step 3: Enter the Business Object
- Choose from the list of existing business objects.
- For a newly created target API, enter the name of the business object manually.
Step 4: Enter the URL and Predefined Fields:
- For APIs added from the catalog, the URL and predefined fields will pre-populate
- For new APIs, manually add the required details in the designated spaces.
- For newly added APIs, select the authorization method from
No Auth
,Basic Auth
, andOAuth 2.0
and enter the credentials as per the chosen authorization method and add other details such asHeaders
andPre-request Script
as per requirement.
Step 5: Test the API