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Data Source- Websocket

A communication protocol known as WebSocket allows a client and a server to have a single, persistent connection while offering full-duplex communication channels. It makes two-way communication possible in real-time. Unlike REST API, this Communication API does not require a new connection to be established for every message delivered between clients and 
servers. While REST API establishes distinct connections for each request-response cycle, messages can be sent and received constantly in WebSocket without interruption, once the connection is established.

Parameters used for WebSocket:

Request URL: Add the URL for your request. The URL used for WebSocket connections starts with ws:// for unencrypted connections and wss:// for encrypted (SSL/TLS) connections.
E.g.: Request URL: wss://
Message: A message that needs to be sent to WebSocket API from the client. Pass the message content in string format.
E.g.: "{"message":"Hello world"}"
Params: To pass the additional information in the parameters. Add the values in key-value format along with the description, if any.
Headers: To pass additional information like authorization value in a key-value format in the headers.



{api-key value}