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First Time User

This page has information related to the plans, pricing and payment options.

Users can select the required plan (Monthly or Yearly) and Quantity of integrations and click 'Subscribe'. Users will be redirected to payment gateway where details regarding payment method should be entered. Once the inputs are correctly entered, click 'Subscribe' to avail the services.

Step 1: Select plan (Monthly or Yearly)

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Step 2: Select the required quantity and click 'Subscribe'

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Step 3: Enter the card details and other required details and click 'Subscribe'.

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If quantity of integrations selected is 4, users will be charged only for 3 integrations since the first integration is free. Charge of the first integration will be auto deducted from the bill with code BizdataONE as displayed on payment gateway screen.

Plan Upgradation

In case of upgradation of the previously selected plan, users can select the required quantity from the 'Select Quantity' option and increase the quantity as per requirement.

If the user selected quantity 2 (Integrations) previously and wants to upgrade to 5 then a total of quantity 5 should be selected in the 'Select Quantity' option. Pricing of only the increased quantity would be added to the previously calculated bill.

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