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Data Cleaning

Drop All Events to Start With


Dropping all events operation is used to drop all the events that starts with the user defined value.

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Drop All Event To Start With

Drop All Event To Start With helps in giving the value from which the user needs to start dropping the value.

Below is an example here we want to start dropping the values from https .


Drop all Event for Value


Dropping all events operation is used to drop all the values for a given event specify by the user.

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Drop All Event For Value

It is used to drop all the values from a specific event.

Below is an example where we want to drop all the value Michael.




Eliminate  operation is used for eliminating any key name from the data set.

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Eliminate

The users need to pass the key name which they want to eliminate.

Below is an example where we are eliminating the keys Organization and Item.




Substitute operation is used to substitute or replace a value or a word or a character to a new value, specify by the user.

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Substitute

This is used to modify, replace any key's value with the user defined value.

Below is an example where we want to substitute the existing value of email-id which is .in to .com.
Example: ["key_name","to be replaced","replaced by"]




Rename operation is used to rename any key name to a new key name specified by the user. 

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Rename

Rename gives a comma-separated key-value pair where key is the existing column name and value is the new column name.

Below is an example where we want to rename email to email-id.




Stripping operation helps to strip a value or a word or character from left, right or both.

Number of Parameters : 1

Parameter : Strip

Strip can be used in values, words or characters form left to right or from both the ends.

Below is an example where we want to strip tabledata from right  and remove the extra \n from the data




Substringing is used to crop the extract portion of a string or object that matches a certain requirement of the user.

Number of Parameters : 1

Example 1 : Get the first 5 characters of a string  

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations :


 Response :  freeC 

Example 2 : Get a substring 4 characters long, starting from the 3rd character of the string 

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations :


Response :  eeCo 

Example 3: Get the last character of the string 

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations :


Response :  p 

Example 4 : Get the last 5 characters of a string 

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations :


 Response :  eCamp 

Example 5 : Get a substring which contains all characters except the last 4 characters and the 1st character 

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations :


 Response :  reeCode 

Example 6 : Get every other character from a string 

string = "freeCodeCamp"
eZintegrations Operations : 


Response :  feCdCm 

Example 7 : Extract number like a regular expression from string. "_"

string = "freeCodeCamp_123"
eZintegrations Operations : 

"string":"[bizdata_substring.index("_") + 1:]" 

Response :  123