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Release Notes

Release Notes: (June, 2023)


  1. Option to set a title and subtitle in Bizdata Frame, providing better context and clarity for the displayed data.
  2. Enhancement in the Worksheet Widget by addition of a user-friendly sorting UI and functionality, enabling users to easily sort data within the widget.
  3. Advanced Integrated Map functionality expanded by incorporating more dimensions, allowing users to visualise data on the map based on additional dimensions.

New Feature:

  1. Custom column added for date filtering, providing users with more flexibility and customization options when filtering data by date.

Bug Fix:

  1.  Issue resolved related to saving widgets in the Bizdata Frame, ensuring that widget configurations are properly saved.

Release Notes: (October, 2022)

New Feature:

  1. New Widget- Bizdata Frame released.

Release Notes: (August, 2022)

New Feature:

  1.  Download Scheduler feature added enabling users to schedule automatic downloads of reports in CSV or ZIP format, and receive them via email for convenient access and data management.

Release Notes: (July, 2022)

New Feature:

  1. Implemented an automatic refresh feature that can be enabled or disabled based on user preferences, allowing for seamless and real-time updates of data without manual intervention.


Release Notes: (June, 2022)

New Feature:

  1. Implemented an NLP-based View section
  2. Integrated an Opensearch-based View section, utilizing Opensearch technology for improved search capabilities and information retrieval.

  3. Release Notes (May, 2022)

Bug Fix:

  1. Resolved date format and numeric format issues in the Bizdata Pixel Report, ensuring accurate and consistent representation of dates and numeric values.

Release Notes (April, 2022)

New Feature:

  1.  Enhancement in the Multimetric Stacked Table by adding a background color for horizontal totals, improving the visual distinction and readability of the table.

Release Notes (March, 2022)

New Feature:

  1. Ability added to exclude specific columns when downloading the Discovery Report in Excel format, allowing users to customise the exported data.

Release Notes (February, 2022)

New Feature:

  1. Users can define custom conditions for color coding and associate images with decimal values in the Discovery Table for enhanced visual representation of data.
  2. Sorting by column is now available in the Discover Report, enabling users to arrange data based on their preferences or criteria.
  3. The Pivot Table, Stacked Table, and Hierarchy Table now support column sorting, allowing users to organize data in these table formats.
  4. The Worksheet Widget displays the last updated by and last update date for newly created indexes, providing visibility into the most recent changes made to the data.