In the side panel (as shown below), user will find option Discover.
Data can be seen using the discovery table. One can narrow down their data and build relationships. It’s not just limited to data discovery; data can be made easy to comprehend by adding images and other indications.
Steps to create Discovery Table:
Step 1:
Click on 'Discover' from the menu.
Step 2:
Select the required dataset from 'Select Data Source' for data discovery (bizintel360 retail_orders has been selected in the image below).
Step 3:
Under 'Set Widget Parameter' select the columns to narrow down the data.
Step 4:
Set other widget parameters and properties under 'Set Widget Parameter' and 'Set Widget Properties'.
Step 5:
Set column properties from the upper left corner of the chart area. (as shown below).
Step 6:
Save the created discovery table and name the report.