Filter section is available under 'Widget Parameter'
Here is a guide to use Filters:
1. A dataset has column name Regions and within it values are East, West, North and South.
- Result for only West is required
Filter to be used: Regions: "West"
i.e. column: "entity name" - Result of both West and East is required
Filter to be used: Regions:"West", Regions:"East" - Result of all except West is required
Filter to be used: NOT Region: "West"
i.e. NOT column: "entity"
2. A dataset has column named Regions and values within it are East, West, North, South and blank spaces
- Result for only blank spaces are required
Filter to be used: Region: [*To*]
i.e. column:[*To*]
3. A dataset having columns Customer Code, Order Status and Purchasing Amount exists.
Requirement of having a filter where Customer Code is not null, Order Status is not equal to value "Order Complete" and Purchasing Amount is not equal to value 0
- Filter to be used: Customer\ Code:[* TO *] AND NOT Order\ Status:"Order complete" AND NOT Purchasing\ Amount:0
4. A dataset having columns Customer Code, Order Status and Purchasing Amount exists.
Requirement of having a filter where Current Employee is not null or Employee Type is not null, or Function is not null or Reporting manager is not null
- Filter to be used: (NOT Current\ Employee:[* TO *]) OR (NOT Employee\ Type:[* TO *]) OR (NOT Function:[* TO *]) OR (NOT Reporting\ Manager:[* TO *])
5. A dataset having columns Region, Country and Customer.
Region has data East, West, North and South
Country has data US and UK
Customer has data C1, C2, C3, C4
Requirement is having result with country US, Region East and filtering customer twice with C1 and C2.
- Filter to be used: (Region:"East") AND (Country:"US") AND (Customer:"C1" OR Customer:"C2")
1. If column/ header name has spaces (for example Customer name), correct way of representation is: Customer\ name
2. If the filter has conditions where the end result should satisfy all the conditions applied, use operator AND
for example: The dataset has region (header name) east and west and country (header) US and UK. End result of region east and country US is required. In such cases AND should be used
region:"east" AND country:"US"
3. If the filter has conditions where the end result should satisfy either of the conditions applied, use operator OR
4. Use bracket (….) between logical operators. For example: (Region:"East") AND (Country:"US")