Data Target- Email
Setting up Data Target as Email in eZintegrations:
This feature enables users to receive timely email alerts indicating the success or failure of specific operations within the pipeline. This guide aims to provide a clear, step-by-step walkthrough, ensuring both new and experienced users can easily configure and manage email notifications.
Email notifications are a crucial aspect of pipeline management, ensuring that users are promptly informed about the status of their data operations. If a critical data transformation process fails, users can be immediately notified via email, allowing them to take corrective actions promptly.
Pre requisites:
- Before setting up email notifications, ensure you have the necessary credentials and permissions to access and configure the pipeline.
- Verify that your user account has the permission to enable the configuration of email alerts.
- Please make sure to add Filter operation and give the condition to trigger the Email. Please refer: Data Pipeline Controls | Bizdata Help ( to configure filter operation.
Steps to configure:
Step 1:
Select Target Type - Select target as "Email" from the dropdown.
Step 2:
Compose - Configure Email Settings, Enter the recipient email addresses and email subject.
To- Enter the recipients email address.
Cc- Enter the recipients email address to whom carbon copy of the email is to be sent.
Bcc- Enter the recipients email address to whom carbon copy of the email is to be sent.
Subject- Enter the subject of email.
Step 3:
Specify conditions under which email alerts should be triggered (e.g., operation success, failure, specific error codes).
Step 4:
Is Attachment?: In the 'Is Attachment?' parameter, a toggle option is provided for users to specify whether an attachment is included with the email. Users can select 'Yes' to indicate the presence of an attachment, or 'No' if no attachment is included with the email.
File name: In the 'File Name' parameter, users can input the name of the attachment. This parameter is enabled only when
the user selects 'Yes' in the 'Is Attachment?' parameter, signifying that an attachment is included with the email.
Step 5:
From: In the 'From' parameter, users are required to input the sender's email address.
Password: In the 'Password' parameter, users need to input the password associated with the sender's email address.
Mail Server: In the 'Mail Server' parameter, users are prompted to specify the address or hostname of the email server that will be used to send the email.
Port Number: In the 'Port Number' parameter, users are required to input the specific port number that corresponds to the chosen mail server.
Test: The 'Test' button in the UI serves as a valuable tool for evaluating the response of the configured Email Settings. Utilize the "Test" feature to send a sample email and ensure notifications are configured correctly.
Step 6:
Verify the content and format of the email message.
Managing Email notification preferences:
Edit or update email notification settings as needed. Disable email notifications for a specific data target if required.
If you need to update the recipient email address, revisit the configuration page, make the necessary changes, and click "Save."
Troubleshoot common issues related to email notifications. Refer to the provided REST API Target documentation for advanced configurations.
If you're not receiving email notifications, check your spam folder and ensure that the email settings are correctly configured. For advanced troubleshooting, refer to the REST API Target | Bizdata Help ( documentation.