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Integration Bridge list - All the buttons

At the initiation of the Integration Bridge process, the primary objective is to activate the integration bridge, fostering a connection between the predetermined data source and the designated data target.
Upon the successful configuration of the integration bridge, a set of eight distinct buttons emerges, each designed to fulfill specific functionalities. These buttons are outlined as follows:
Screenshot (60).png

  •  Status Indicator Button (Circle Icon): green-circle.png  2wCcircle.png
    Indicates the status of the integration bridge.
     Red: Indicates the pipeline is not running.
     Green: Denotes that the pipeline is in running mode.
     The circular icon on the left changes from red to green when the integration process commences.
  • Integration Initiation Button (Triangular to Square Icon): square.png Start.png
     Allows the user to initiate the integration bridge.
     Clicking on the triangular icon transforms it into a square icon, signifying the initiation of the integration 
  • Refresh Button: Refresh.png
     Facilitates the refresh of the service.
     Recommended after making any changes to the integration bridge, such as IB name, data operations, 
    source, target, type, or date.
  • Service Status Button: Status.png
     Indicates whether the service is in start or stop mode.
  • Edit Button: download (6).png
     Empowers users to edit various aspects of the integration bridge, including IB name, data operations, 
    source, target, type, or date.
  • View More Button: download (7).png
     Allows users to view comprehensive information about the integration bridge without the ability to make 
  • Log Download Button: images.png
     Facilitates the download of logs for analysis.
     Provides data processing details, timestamps, operation status, errors, and warnings.
  • Log Analysis Button: